Sunday 15 March 2009

The Countdown

Never done this blogging thing before, I have not even written in a diary since I was like 13 and that did not last for long. Most people I know have tried this blogging thing at one time or the other, so I thought that I would give it a go. I am always cussing people that write stuff that has no point, no meaning or punch line. After reading certain things I feel like I have just wasted precious minutes of my life!!! Let’s hope that I do not become one of those pricks.

At this point I don’t know what my intentions are with this blogging thing. I guess I want to share a few of my thoughts as I have loads of them, thoughts that is. J Black will know this as I am always bombarding him with what I think, thanks hun considering how much I know you hate your phone, email and general comms. You may find some of my content funny, boring, intelligent or I maybe able to give you something to think about. You can usually tell what I am thinking from my facial expressions. Lolita, Temi and Jemma are always the first to tell me what I am thinking by looking at my face. As there is not a camera following me around I guess I have to find a way to translate my thoughts and facial expressions into words. Feedback would be nice I always take criticism good or bad on board, whether I let the critic know it or not.

In 80 odd hours time I will be boarding a plane to Japan, my first visit to Asia. I should be buzzing with anticipation for several reasons. I have not seen my bro for two years, I will get to experience a new culture and hopefully pick up some words (anyone who knows me will laugh as my distinct cockney accent makes me sound shit when speaking any languages, yes English included) I will not have to sit on the underground and get shipped like an animal to a job that I despise. Most importantly I will be getting the hell out of London for the best part of two weeks.

I am not buzzing because the sad reality is that no matter how much fun I have I am coming back to the same reality that I will be leaving. For those of you that don’t know me, my life is not bad it’s just that like the rest of the human race things never seem to come together at once and that is what has got my goat. Trying to figure out if there is such thing as perfect, or whether perfect is a state where the mind finally accepts that nothing is perfect.

Hopefully my time away will help me get closer to understanding my own definition of perfect which I will let you know when I do :D. I also hope to clear my head and gain the courage that I will need to embark on a full scale job hunt when I get back. Yes I will defy the credit crunch and land my perfect job, having said that would I ever be happy lining someone else’s pocket and getting thrown chump change……..


  1. "I am not buzzing because the sad reality is that no matter how much fun I have I am coming back to the same reality that I will be leaving"

    That is a bad way to look at it. If you approach it like that then there is not really a point of coming :P

    Also just getting away will return you to london pumped and ready to take on the world again :P

  2. I hear what you are saying, I will have fun once there just how I was feeling when I posted!!
