Thursday 19 March 2009

Quarter Life Crisis

Could it be that I have just got over a quarter life crisis? Is there such a thing??? Mid life crisis are common amongst men when they hit their 50’s. They suddenly realise that they are losers and try and sleep with any thing that moves purchase a leather jacket, buy a fast whip and try and relieve their youth. I am not 50, nor am I male or consider myself old. So why did I feel like I was underachieving and running out of time???

Of late my thinking was that I have ticked off quite a few things of my list of things to do list but does that mean that my targets were too easy??? Everyday I am feeling less challenged and bored does that mean that I am ungrateful? Do I need another stint in Nigeria for me to realise how blessed I am???

So has the world that we live in changed so much that it is harder to be satisfied with just doing everyday things? Or am I just suffering from boredom which is leading me to delve too deeply into minor things, making things appear worst than they are. Do I just need to discover new things? For entertainment I used to rave like an animal sometimes 5 times a week (uni days) now that scene makes me sick. For a while I was bar hopping and drink ups Tayo will know about those. Then I was going to comedy nights, restaurants and concerts. Now I spend more time indoors watching TV or partaking in what ever physical activity that I have become a fan of. My latest craze is boxing and I unwind to yoga.

After some thinking and a chat with a mate I realised that I just need to set myself some juicer goals and just enjoy/appreciate what I have. I was probably just suffering from the 20% / 80% where one searches for the missing 20% once that 20% has been discovered they realise that there was nothing wrong with the 80% that they initially had and dumped. Besides I could find myself in much worse situations…

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