Sunday 22 March 2009

Stone worshipers and the Africans

Saturday was nuts we went to a temple in Asakusa it was really cool, lots of statues, market stalls selling souvenirs and food. There was pink blossom hanging on the tops of all the stalls, I have learnt that the Japanese are obsessed with pink blossom. Any tree that I see with pink blossom there is usually a group of Japanese people admiring or in my view worshiping the blossom. Walking through the temple was hard work, there were so many people, Japanese people seem to have no sense of direction, they are always bumping into things and each other. The amount of people that have tried to walk though me is crazy.

I took part in some of the rituals such as washing my hands before entering the temple. There was another where you catch the smoke and rub it on part of your body that needed healing. The closer I got the more poignant the smell and I decided that smoky hair was not a good look so I bounced. To enter the temple you had to throw money into a box then clap twice. When we got to the entrance there was a service so we could not even enter.

As we walked around the grounds I saw various people on their knees worshiping the statues. This was nuts to me, I had to take pictures because I could not believe what I was seeing.

We later went to the biggest electronic department store that I have ever seen in my life. Don’t think I would ever see anything bigger. It was 7 massive floors of pc’s TVs, sound systems, laptops; pda’s anything electrical that you can think of!!! I saw the biggest TV in the world so they say it was 102 inches I had a headache looking at it. Considering that the houses here are so small, I can’t picture it here, but in London I can imagine the kind of people who would want a TV that big.

It was Aya’s birthday so we went to meet her, Joe and chisu the meeting point was starbucks in Roppongi. Roppongi it is one of the affluent areas in Tokyo. Just from walking through the station I knew that this place was different to anywhere else I had been. I hardly saw any Japanese people. Outside the station I saw so many black men I started to wonder if I was in Japan or back home. When they opened their mouths I was immediately embarrassed, they were those I am American kind of blacks with the coarse African accent and some fake Jamaican’s with dreads that sounded more American than Jamaican. The street that was on was full of clubs and all of these black people just lined the street. They terrorised the Japanese girls, even the ones with their boyfriends. Any guy that was not black was getting it. “You, white boy come here”. I asked my brother what we were doing here and he said that you can’t come to Tokyo and not rave here.

The first club that we went to was cool the music was live; the girls were sluts and the guys sleazy. Joe’s dancing was giving me joke it was like a cross between Usher and wako jako but slowed down. It was impressive the gals loved it; he was collecting numbers like it was nothing. His friend Chisu seemed to grow in confidence as the night went on. He too was drawing girls, apparently in Japan the men do not chat up chicks on road or in a club. They usually marry their high school sweet heart. The weirdest thing happened; a girl approached me and asked to have her picture taken with me. I looked at her like she was mad, my bro said that she probably thinks that your cool, I agreed and she was like “u cool, you so pretty your hair is pretty you cool” to be courteous I also took a pic with my camera, she bowed and sat back down. If that was not weird enough two chicks old enough to be my mum came and started dancing with me, I humoured them and the next thing I know they both introduced me to their sons “please dance with them” I smiled politely and edged away. Then one black dude started groping one of the ladies in front of their sons. I know that Japanese people are passive but if watching you mum getting groped does not stir up some emotion then there is no hope.

We left this club, Chisu went home; we went to a club called crunk. As soon as I walked in I thought why did we leave the previous place. There were more sluts plus American men, not a Japanese man in sight. It was hard core hip hop the whole time we were there; I can’t remember the last time I went to a club with such beastly men. Can you imagine one guy asked me if I was Japanese sigh then proceeded to tell me that I must be mixed because of my eyes and complexion. Then when I told him that I was full black and not in those words he said “o so you’re not a slut” I had to just take a seat somewhere. Beefing in this country means both parties being banged up for 30 days. I got offered drinks, I was quite sure that these were the sorts of clubs that I was warned about where they spike peoples drinks, I declined. We left that club and returned to the club that we left earlier. The mood had already been spoilt from the last club plus Aya was drunk lol. We gave Joe 30 mins to collect as many numbers as he could then we bounced to get some grub at A ramen spot.

The shitty thing about the raving scene out here is when the night is done you have to get a train back home. We got in after 7 am; Joe continued his quest to pull more chicks.


  1. LMFAO! i have nver laughed so much and i can just picture u. I need to come and vistit this place

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Was a fun night. So mainly bubbly characters. Not to mention our very own Joe the Pick up artist and Aya the drunk :P

  4. Nice.
    You described Roppongi very well.
